What Inspires me...

      Inspiration happens everyday. all day and all of life.... It started with me when I was young. My father taught me how to draw an alligator and everyone loved it. This made me practice drawing when I was younger. My high school art teacher, Jamie Wright, encouraged my art work. He showed me that I could make art work just as published artists are doing.


Fran Gardner: Professor and Mentor

My career as an artist began when I started college in August 2007. It is such a small community college that there was only one art professor there, Fran Gardner.... She became my mentor instead of my teacher. She became my rock without the knowledge of it. She showed me many different techniques and how to better express my ideas through art.

She always loved my artwork that I did not like which made me work harder for me to like them also. Since I have not been in her classes I have seen myself grow as an artist. When I returned the summer of 2011, she taught me how to incorporate fiber arts into my artwork. I love this new branch of art and I am still dabbling....

Leonardo da Vinci
                     Vitruvian Man


           Leonardo Da Vinci is one of my all time favorite artists. He really was an amazing man of his time. I love that all of his art work looks simple and sophisticated. If you really read into his work you will see that he is not simple. He is instead, very complicated... every painting or drawing was done for a purpose.

Georgia O Keef is another famous artist that really inspires me. I love the fact that she shows the world in her own eyes through her abstract paintings. She is amazing.

   I really enjoy looking at art that can not be turned down. Art that when you walk by you just have to stare at it for hours to look at everything.

I have made a couple of paintings from my dreams and thought that they were some of my best ones. But they are defiantly private for now.

But.... What expires me the most?
My daughter.

When my daughter was born it opened a new door to my art.
My art became more sophisticated and has a dreamlike quality.
Every time I look at her or watch her play with her babies or dance it makes me in
Dream a paining or sculpture in my head.